I also see the fear in people using inappropriate skins, and I say let there be a reporting system to fish out harmful and just out right mean players and properly deliver justice. People could just import skins and no one would by the skins, but why is this bad? I say let the players be free and run wild with creativity! Remove time trying to find new skins to put in the shop and concentrate on other more important matters, like items and gameplay. Random Epiphany: I just realised, adding a way to import skins would totally throw that "Skin" section in the shop out, and this could be the reason why they don't do it. Note: Oh and also! If you want to help me, a detailed step by step list would be very nice indeed!Įxtra Bonus questions: Pixel gun for PC same as the one for mobiles? And can I import custom skins there? Thanks a bunch, huns, and have a nice day!
All of the tutorials I've seen are just wheezy 10 year olds who barely helped me and I need some real help. Hey ya'll! So I've been lately wondering about something, which I'd love an answer to! This is just going to be a short post asking, can I import a custom skin? The very few selection I am being offered is nice but nothing I really like, and the skin editor is just tedious and doesn't meet my perfectionist standards and I really want to be able to import my own skin which I've made using a better skin editor (Sorry Pixel Gun).